The Dessert Service

October 23, 2018

Step by Step:

  1. Make sure your kitchen is clean or secure another place to make desserts.
  2. Pick up your date. Decide together what dessert(s) you want to make together. You can do this while you are driving, while walking around the store, or just take a moment to look something up on Pinterest after you pick up your date.
  3. Go to the grocery store and pick up the ingredients you’ll need.
  4. Head back to the kitchen you’re going to cook in. (NOTE: I just can’t emphasize enough the importance of having a clean space, otherwise you can forget a second date)
  5. Pull out all the ingredients and kitchen tools you’ll need and START COOKING!
  6. Decide on two people (or apartments) that you want to drop the dessert off at.
  7. Taste test your food (i.e., enjoy some of the desserts yourselves).
  8. Clean up. It’s nice to do this as a team before the date is over.
  9. Go drop the deserts off. You can doorbell-ditch or hand deliver them.
  10. Take your date home.  

Cost: This depends on what dessert the two of you decide to make. I like to tell my date that we have a budget of $10-15.

What do you need:

  • A clean kitchen to cook in.
  • Cooking tools (depends on what you’re cooking). For example...
    • Big metal bowl
    • Mixing spoons
    • Spatulas
    • Hot pads
  • Paper plates/bowls

Where to get the supplies:

  • Walmart, Albertson, Broulims, etc.
  • Hopefully between you, the date, and your roommates, you have the cooking tools you need.

Ideas to mix up the date:

  • Make a childhood favorite dessert.
  • Make a bucket list dessert.
  • Find random Pinterest or YouTube dessert ideas.   


  • Learn how well he/she cooks.
  • Learn how well he/she handles mistakes (trust me, there is always 1-2 in cooking).
  • Learn how patient he/she is when you make a cooking mistake.
  • Learn how willing he/she in helping you clean up.

Final Thoughts:

This is a super fun and tasty date. It gives me an opportunity to cook desserts & treats that I normally don’t have time to. It also gives me the opportunity see how much someone enjoys baking/cooking. In addition, it’s easy to chat and have a good conversation while cooking. When you end the date, you might even consider dropping your date off with any leftover dessert to eat later or share with his or her roommates. IMPORTANT NOTE: Some desserts (like cheesecake) take a couple of hours to set (sometimes 4+), so it’s important to take that into account before you decide on a dessert. A dessert that you have to wait 4-5 hours to set, might not be a great first date. However, if you do decide on a dessert that takes longer, one thing you can do is just pick up my date the next day and run drop off the desserts (don’t make this longer than 30 mins). 

Remember, it's #justadate

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